
Translational Breast Cancer Research is accepted for indexing in PubMed/PubMed Central (PMC)

Published: 2024-05-14

On May 9, 2024, we received an official notice from the PubMed office that Translational Breast Cancer Research had been accepted for indexing by PubMed/PubMed Central (PMC), a free digital archive database of full-text journal literature in biomedical and life sciences. All articles published since 2022, beginning with Vol 3, will be fully indexed in PMC and accessible via PubMed, a search engine/database of biomedical citations and abstracts.

The inclusion of Translational Breast Cancer Research in PubMed/ PMC is an international recognition of the quality of its contents. It would mean that articles published in the journal, freely accessible through PMC and PubMed will gain increasing visibility and expanding influence worldwide.

Translational Breast Cancer Research (Transl Breast Cancer Res, TBCR, Online ISSN 2218-6778) launched in November 2019, is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on translational research in breast cancer. As a quarterly published journal, the journal seeks to create a platform for researchers and clinicians by presenting pertinent investigations, discussing critical questions relevant to the entire field of breast cancer, and aiming to develop new perspectives for all those issues concerned with breast cancer.

As of May 2024, TBCR has published 151 articles, including Original Articles, Review Articles, Case reports, etc. For more details, please see TBCR’s 2023 Annual Report.

We sincerely appreciate our Editorial Board Members, Reviewers, and Authors for their valuable contributions and tremendous support to the journal. We believe that TBCR will progress continually to become a top-tier platform for researchers and physicians in the field of breast cancer around the world.

Editorial Office

Translational Breast Cancer Research