Editorial Office, Translational Breast Cancer Research. Email: tbcr@amegroups.com
On January 10th, 2025, we received the good news from Elsevier that Translational Breast Cancer Research (TBCR) has been accepted for inclusion in Scopus.
Translational Breast Cancer Research (TBCR) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on translational research in breast cancer. As a quarterly published journal, the journal seeks to create a platform for researchers and clinicians by presenting pertinent investigations, discussing critical questions relevant to the entire field of breast cancer, and aiming to develop new perspectives for all those issues concerned with breast cancer.
We can’t achieve this without the continuous support and contributions of TBCR’s editorial board members, authors, reviewers, and readers. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all the contributors here. We will keep striving to publish high-quality articles and bring TBCR to the forefront.